Monday, January 12, 2015

The Old-Time Hebrew Gospel Hour

What would Shabbas be without Rebbe Schumli Goldbaumvitchstein's rousing, foot-stomping "Old Time Hebrew Gospel Hour".  Join the Rebbe and friends for some good ol' Hebrew gospel, starring those bright lights of Hebrew gospel; The Klezmer Stompers singing their greatest hits, including "Go Tell it on the Temple Mount", "The Old Rugged Star", and many others.  Zaide Yhitzak pounds out the zither with his famous Hebrew Gospel standard, " Gebt Mir Dein Alte Uhr Shabbat", come on, sing it with him!
So, put your timers on the lights, the TV, the oven, the radio, the automatic toilet flusher, and sit, don't stand or move, and enjoy "The Old-Time Hebrew Gospel Hour"!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Well, it is January 7, 2015.  Geri and I survived another year.  2014 was not good.  It started out with my father, Bill, passing away on February 18th.  Then, Geri's father passed away on March 20th.  It was tough, as my step-father Jess had passed away in December, 2013.
After all the tragedies, we did have some points of light. Geri's son got married, we added two grandchildren; a boy in Oklahoma and a little girl in Alabama.  In fact, we are thinking of going to Oklahoma for Lauren's birthday, January 11th.
My brother just called this morning, my mother was hospitalized.  We might have to go up there and see what is going on.  Mother is 85, with dementia, and other problems.  I really cannot take any more funerals this year.
BTW, I was diagnosed with cancer on my birthday, July 14th.  I had surgery one month later, and underwent radiation therapy that lasted until November.
Christmas and Hanukkah were lucky respites from all of the drama that was the first part of the years.  Geri, Happy and I are looking forward to a much better year for 2015.
Our friends in South Florida, hopefully, will have a good year.  Brother Evan, still in the salt mines of West Boca HS, is still out there punching in the teaching game.  Alan and Linda Diskin got married and are having a great time.  Alan Knight is still with Bridget, and working at Paradise Bank and doing his weekly radio show on WWNN.
Well, hopefully my next posting will be a lot more comical.  Have to get back to my sarcastic self.
Hope all of my friends and followers have a great New Year for 2015!